How to communicate geo SCADA over Advance modbus with PLC M580
To configure GeoSCADA Expert to communicate with a ModbusTCP device there are three ways to do this (I’ll list them in the order I think you should pursue):
1. Using the Advanced Modbus Driver, create a Channel, an Outstation Set, and an Outstation, then points associated with the Oustation that match the points in your device. Configure these all as appropriate for your end device, and by following the Help built into GeoSCADA Expert
2. Using the ‘Simple’ Modbus Driver, create a Channel, a Scanner, then points associated with the Scanner that match the points in your devices. Configure these all as appropriate for your end device, and by following the Help built into GeoSCADA Expert.
3. Using either of the OPC Driver(s), and having OFS perform the connection to your device. I’ve been told that with an M580 this is quite a nice process, and I believe it may even allow you to not have to use located variables (i.e. the OFS server could retrieve unlocated variables and present them as OPC points for retrieval from GeoSCADA Expert). My opinion however is that the introduction of OFS into the whole equation makes things a little more complicated, and also very slightly reduces the reliability (since you’ve added another link in the chain).
Hence why I consider it option (3).
In regards to your question 2. Is there any need to write program in PLC to communicate. I guess the holistic answer is almost certainly ‘Yes’, there is a need to have a logic program configured for the PLC to allow communication.
The PLC will clearly need a few things configured:
a. An IP address
b. A Modbus TCP address
c. Modbus point mappings (from internal PLC variables to Modbus registers)
Sometimes this is native to the product, and they are one and the same… normally in modern PLCs that support a number of different protocols this is not the case.
For question 2, you *NEED* to be reading the manual that comes with your PLC and the programming software for your PLC to determine whether you will need to do this, and if so, how you will go about doing this.
You also *NEED* to read the help for GeoSCADA Expert., you should have already searched for ‘Modbus TCP’ with it and read up on the various topics within the help before you came here asking for help. Please have some respect for the time of the people on this forum.