PHP User defined function for connecting to MySqli database[Code Snippet]

The user defined function for the MySqli database connectivity

/* Function For Database Connection  */
define ('db_host', 'localhost');
define ('db_name', 'plantmangement');
define ('db_user', 'root');
define ('db_pass', '123');
 *Database Connect
  function db_connect($host = db_host, $username = db_user, $password = db_pass, $database = db_name) {
    if(!$con = mysqli_connect($host, $username, $password,$database)) {
        return FALSE;
    if((strlen($database) > 0) AND (!mysqli_select_db($con,$database))) {
        return FALSE;
    // set the correct charset encoding
    mysqli_query($con,'SET NAMES \'utf8\'');
    mysqli_query($con,'SET CHARACTER_SET \'utf8\'');
    return $con;

The client code when we call the db_connect() function from anywhere in our project

 if(!$conn = db_connect()) {
                die('cant connect to mysql');
            $sql="Select * from maintenance_plan  ORDER BY planned_date ASC";
            if ($result=mysqli_query($conn,$sql))
              // Return the number of rows in result set
              echo $rowcount;
              // Free result set